At our August meet-up, we learned that one of our group members, JoAnna Keocher was currently in the hospital undergoing treatment, and so we set out to make her a hat. We each did a few rows...

And here it is on JoAnna herself!

As of August, we'd hit nearly 500 items for the year! You brought in 27 hats, two blankets, and two fiddle muffs during our August 2017 meet-up. Nice work! We also learned at the meet-up that one of our own, JoAnna, was in the hospital getting treated for cancer, and we all contributed a few rows to a hat for her! (See other post.)

The fiddle muffs are a new item introduced by Dianna. They're especially useful for those suffering from memory loss, but give anybody sitting in place for awhile something to fiddle with!